Category: Patagonia

  • Il ritorno a Punta Arenas – 18.02.2020 [it]

    [en] We had a good surprise during the night, a heavy rain washed the car which after 2 days of dirt roads was in a bad condition, tonight we can return it without any problem. After a last visit of Puerto Natales and in particular a fresco which tells the local history from the creation…

  • Torres del Paine, il ritorno – 17.02.2020 [it]

    [en] We return to the northern part of the natural park, meeting Nandu and a large quantity of guanacos, not to mention birds . Unfortunately, in the morning, at the umpteenth change of lens to fit between the pictures of landscapes and animals, the telezoom stops working, the camera signals an error and refuses to…

  • Torres del Paine – 16.02.2020 [it]

    The journey gets to the heart of the matter with a visit to the “Torres del Paine” nature park. The weather is variable, some showers, some sunburn, … But unfortunately, the clouds will never let go of the peaks that give the park its name. When we arrived at Lake Grey, we decided to take…

  • Da Punta Arenas a Puerto Natales – 15.02.2020 [it]

    [en] We make a short visit to Punta Arenas where we discover the signs of street demonstrations (broken windows or barricades, burnt buildings, …). Then we take the “Ruta del Fin del Mundo” (End of the World Route) along which we see the first typical animals, the Nandu (Rhea americana) and the Caracara (Caracara plancus).…

  • Cile – 14.02.2020 [it]

    [en] Arriving in Santiago de Chile, it took 2 hours and a half between immigration, baggage claim, customs and new luggage shipment. While waiting for the flight to Punta Arenas, we tried to book dinner at “La Luna”, but when we got there we found out that this was not possible and we had to…